Azalea Park, Summerville SC

by Michele Levani- Charleston Muralist
(Charleston, SC)

Azalea Park in Summerville, SC

This is a tribute to Azalea Park in Summerville, SC. I was asked to paint this in the local Sherwin Williams paint store.

An article was written about it in the Summerville Journal Scene newspaper. You can read more about it on my Facebook page under Michele Levani.

Comments for Azalea Park, Summerville SC

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Oct 06, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Jason Castro

Wow this is a truly nice work of art!

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Sep 28, 2015
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Sep 11, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Looking beautiful i have never saw this type of place i will be coming summer thank for sharing informative post.

May 08, 2015
Great article NEW
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May 13, 2010
Thank you, Julie
by: Michele Levani

Thank you for the compliment, Julie. Yes, I use high quality Sherwin Williams interior paints when working on an interior surface. The colors are pure and saturated. They don't fade and are extremely durable. However, I do have my own "special recipe" of glazes that I incorporate to give the depth and transparency that I want. I also have a few techniques that I prefer to keep as my own trade secrets, ;). Best advice that I can give would be quality paints and quality brushes. Don't skimp on those basic tools. I hope you are a success!

May 13, 2010
Paint Medium
by: julie

Beautiful work! I too have been asked to paint a mural, Did you use interior house paint for the entire mural?

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