Transfer Techniques for Do It Yourself Wall Murals

The Chalkboard Dilemma

Do it yourself wall murals - sure, your artwork piece might just be a page torn out of a coloring book, and you might think it will be easy to draw it on that blank wall in front of you, but...

If you want your mural to look right, you will probably need more than just a pencil and an eraser.

You see, there is a problem I like to refer to as the chalkboard dilemma.

Remember writing on the chalkboard back in school? I do! It was definitely not one of my favorite things - my words always ended up slanting either up or down (never straight!) and my letters were various sizes. It just didn’t look right!

You will likely encounter a similar problem when you take on the task of drawing your mural image on the wall - that is why choosing the right transfer technique is so important when painting wall murals.

Not to worry though! There are lots of easy ways to get your mural on the wall, and to make it look right the first time. Just keep reading…

Transfer Methods for Do It Yourself Wall Murals

The Projector Method

Do you ever watch home improvement shows? By far, the projector method for creating do it yourself wall murals is the most common method shown on these shows. Simply put, you transfer the image that you want to use for your mural to the wall using an overhead projector and transparency sheets.
Find out more about using the projector method for painting do it yourself wall murals...

The Drawing Grid Method

When my oldest son was in first grade, he showed me a fairly complicated picture of a Transformer robot that he had drawn, and to my surprise, it was almost perfect. Based on the instructions in his activity book, he drew the picture of the robot using an art grid. The publishers of the book provided a picture of the same robot on a smaller grid, and he had to copy the picture to a bigger grid, drawing the picture square by square. The same principle can be applied to do it yourself wall murals - you mark your image with a square grid, and then transfer the image to the wall by making a larger grid with the same number of horizontal and vertical squares.
Read more about the drawing grid method...


Stencils are a great choice if you are painting tiles or cloth murals, as well as wall murals. There are many styles of stencils available, allowing you to create all elements of your mural - focal points, foreground and details.
Find out more about stencil wall murals...

Paint by Number Murals

Especially popular for painting wall murals in kids’ rooms and play areas, paint by number kits are an easy and inexpensive option for do it yourself wall murals.
Read more about paint by number murals...

The Freehand Method

I know I went on and on about the chalkboard dilemma, but there are circumstances when the freehand method of mural painting is your best option.
Find out more about mural painting freehand...

Other Information for Do It Yourself Murals

What's the next step after transferring your image to the wall? Painting it, of course!

And that leads to many more questions, from what kind of paints to use to how to select the best brush. When you're ready to move on to the next step, make sure you check out our page about painting wall murals.

Tatouage. Wallies. Blik...

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you haven't visited the Wall Murals Product Directory yet. Check it out - there are a lot of great products to make do it yourself wall murals a cinch!

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