Breathe Ocean Mural

by Douglas K.
(Treasure Island, Florida)


I am a newbie mural artist! This piece is a mock-up for a much larger mural...I am just getting started in Treasure Island, Florida, and I really am going to use some of the great pointers on your web-site to help me do this large project!! Thanks!!

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Aug 11, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Education is beneficial for the stability of the life and for the happiness. The students can live a very prosperous life in the realm foot he studies and site. The candidates are becoming very profound and good citizens.

Oct 10, 2007
It Took My Breath Away!
by: Dawn - Wall Murals 1-2-3

Douglas, I love the title of your mural. "Breathe" is perfect because it really did take my breath away! I predict that you are going to be a very popular artist in the Sunshine State - it looks like you definitely found your calling :-)

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