Courtyard two, the other side of the story

by Craig Poole
(Wilmington, De)

We couldn't get far enough away to get a complete shot of the wall from the outside. A balcony and 12' or so drop complicates. This is an entrance hallway of a colonial era building, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The desired effect was to make the outside viewer think their was an archway and courtyard just inside the gates.

I think now the technique is something like tromp l'oeil or something like that. No prior art lessons, just read alot of art perspective drawing books.

This was a fun project over the past winter 07 / early 08. The building is a hostel under renovation. This is my contribution to the project. The agreement was "Don't Like it, well White it out". It Stayed.

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Feb 24, 2009
No white out
by: Randy Boyett

Fool the eye I think it means in French.A true work of art no need to ever white it out.

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