Gazebo by the Lake Mural

by Susan Thompson
(Callway VA, USA)

I have been drawing and painting since I can remember although painting a wall mural didn't come to mind until my husband and I were in the building our home.

When I walked into the guest bath, there was a wall that I knew that needed "something."

Why not a mural?! I'd painted lots of canvases and the wall was just a larger canvas, really...

What's the worse that could happen? I could always paint over it!

As I got to painting and the work progressed, I knew that "painting over it" became a LAST resort!

It's fun to see the surprise on our guests faces when they walk in and view an unexpected piece of art in a room that few would expect to see it in.
This wall became the start of an interesting and unexpected journey as my murals have since, graced the walls of businesses and personal residences.

Every time I finish and leave a mural, a part of me remains on that wall....

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