Peter Rabbit Mural

by Jennifer C
(Atlanta, GA)

Peter Rabbit Mural - Inspired by Beatrix Potter

I've always enjoyed art. I've been drawing since I could remember and only took a few art classes in school. I started painting and always wanted to do a mural of Peter Rabbit for my child's nursery. This was my very first try! My friends and family were so impressed that they suggested I do this for a living. I hope to start out soon and look forward to making this a fun career.

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Aug 13, 2015
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by: Anonymous

What if the technology is missing? The life would be really miserable the things in schools if happen like in the time of white board’s teachers use the old boards and chalks. People in subcontinent are very much upset when they see the stupid system of education.

Sep 06, 2009
Soooooo...... cute!
by: Barbara

This mural is charming, the colours are soft and pretty and you have really captured the innocence and charm of the original pictures.

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