ski poster

by Sharon
(Snohomish WA)

I want to paint a vintage ski poster on the wall of my ski cabin. Would one of the new little projectors work good? Any suggestion on paint?

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Mar 15, 2010
Ski Poster
by: Maureen McK

I used a Projector to draw the out line of several things in my wall mural.

It works well as long as you don't accidently bump it.

Mar 15, 2010
Ski poster
by: Michael Beenenga

Yes those projectors work great if there is no light in the room obviously, and if you shrink your image to about 5"x5" and on standard paper(not photo paper, that way it wont shrivel up on you under the intense heat of the projector's light bulb), it will project the picture being reproduced pretty large. Once you have the image on the wall draw it out as quickly as as you can with colored pencil(light pencil on dark walls or dark pencil on light) use Prismacolor brand color pencils because they are soft enough to go over most surfaces. once you have it drawn out, I would suggest any acrylic based paint, house paint from Home Depot or even craft paint from Wal Mart, if possible clear coat it with Sherwin Williams egg shell clear coat.

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