Yankee Stadium Wall Mural

by Lisa Herbik
(Monroe, NY, USA)

Yankee Stadium Mural (black and white)

In 2007, my neighbor's son, an avid New York Yankees fan, needed a bedroom makeover from "little boy decor" to something more appropriate for middle school. He wanted a New York Yankees themed bedroom. His mom, knowing at the time that I had just started my online wall murals site, www.ArtisticHomeowner.com, asked if I could help.

Together, we searched for and found this great black and white image of Yankee Stadium. I custom printed the image onto wallpaper and we installed the mural on a Saturday afternoon.

This was one of my first mural jobs in my own home town. As an online seller, it was exciting to see one of my custom murals in a friend's house.

Since then, I have had a lot more local mural jobs. It's great to help people create beautiful rooms with all over the country, and its super great to see my work right "in my own back yard" too! :)

Comments for Yankee Stadium Wall Mural

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Sep 09, 2015
good design NEW
by: Anonymous

That is an awesome design and it totally suits the age middle school boy. I think that you have a great eye while choosing from different designs.
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Aug 05, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jun 29, 2015
Yankee Stadium Wall Mural NEW
by: Anonymous

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Dec 09, 2014
I would like this NEW
by: Jim

Please tell me how I can get this on my wall.

Aug 13, 2012
Get it here- NEW
by: Anonymous

You can contact me at [email protected] for this Yankee Stadium Wall Mural. Thank you!

Aug 13, 2012
help with yankee stadium wall mural NEW
by: patty

hello! can you tell me how i can get this wall mural of yankee stadium wall mural in black and white for my godchild's brand new bedroom. i went on the site artistic homeowner but i did not see this one. this is exactly what i was looking for. thanks for your help.

Mar 17, 2012
Where can I get this mural? NEW
by: Melinda Fowlks

I would love to use this mural in my basement. Is there somewhere I can order one?

Nov 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the rating! No this is not a painting, it is a photo mural :)

Nov 20, 2009
NIce But
by: Anonymous

But, Is it hand painted ?

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