Our muralist directory allows you to search our national database to find a decorative painter, specializing in murals and/or faux finishes, near your city or town. Currently, our directory only provides listings for providers within the United States, although we do plan to offer international listings in the near future.
You can search our directory of muralists and faux finish painters by geographical location, clicking on the state or region where you are located. We have also included a search box if you want to search by artist, business name, or other information.
Click on your state to access results in your area. After accessing your state directory page, you can narrow results even further by city.
Alabama |
Hawaii |
Massachusetts |
New Mexico |
South Dakota |
You can use this search box to enter the city or state where you are needing the services of a muralist or faux painter. You can also use it to search for business name or other information. It will provide results from our muralist directory, as well as across our site. For example, we have artists regularly contributing to the "Show & Tell" section of our site. Although they may not be listed yet in our directory, our search box will display their submissions.
We will be offering two types of listings to muralists and faux finish painters.
Our basic listing is free. We place your name, telephone number, and address in our directory, all at no cost to you.
Our premium directory listing gives you an entire page on our site where you can provide detailed information about the services you offer. In addition to contact information, our premium members may upload photographs from their portfolio, provide information regarding what decorative painting techniques they offer, list related work experience and education, and link to their business websites, facebook pages, and other social media profiles.
Premium directory listings will be available soon. If you would like to be notified when this service is available, please use our contact form to let us know about your interest. You can also use this form to submit your information for a basic listing in our faux painting and muralist directory.
Upload photos of your murals or check out the submissions from other visitors to our site in the Show & Tell section of this website.
The pictures above are just a small sample of the inspiration that awaits in our visitor submission gallery!